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We specialize in providing reliable, skilled, and dedicated manpower solutions to businesses across various industries.


We specialize in providing reliable, skilled, and dedicated manpower solutions to businesses across various industries. With a strong network of qualified professionals and a commitment to excellence, we ensure that our clients find the right manpower resources to meet their specific requirements.

About VMS

VMS Enterprises is a leading provider of manpower solutions.

“With 4+years of experience in the industry, we have built a reputation for delivering excellence and reliability in every aspect of our services”.

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Why Choose Us

We have a team of experienced and qualified technicians

Extensive Network : We have a vast network of qualified professionals across various industries, enabling us to connect you with the best talent available.

Our Major Work

Facility Management Service
House Keeping Service
Office Boy,Accounts,Welder Service
Operation & Maintenance


  • Regular interaction with the field staff and clients by supervisors
  • Completion of formalities as per defined transition plan
  • Training at all sites
  • Generate transition report
  • Understand the client needs, competitive landscape understanding strategic objectives. identification of industries, companies, market segments

Sunday Activities - Man Power

Our Manpower Service

Operation & Maintenance Services

We provide a wide range of operation and maintenance services, including: Preventive maintenance, Corrective maintenance

Facility Management Services

We provide a comprehensive range of facility management services, including: Cleaning, Security

Manufacturing and Production Support

We provide a full range of manufacturing and production support services, including : Quality control, Inventory management, Supply chain management

Property Management Services

We provide a full range of property management services, including: Leasing, Rent collection

Environment Management Services

We provide a variety of environment management services, including: Waste management, Recycling

How We Hire Candidates

Our hiring process is designed to be efficient and effective

while also providing a positive experience for candidates. We believe that the best way to find the right people for our team is to focus on attracting and engaging top talent.


Identify the hiring need

We start by identifying a need within our organization. This could be a new position that we need to fill, or a replacement for a current employee who is leaving.

Write a job description

Once we have identified a hiring need, we write a job description that outlines the responsibilities, qualifications, and experience required for the position.


Advertise the position

We advertise the position on our website, as well as on job boards and social media.



Review applications

We review applications and select the most qualified candidates for an interview.


We conduct interviews with the selected candidates to assess their skills, experience, and fit for the company culture.


Reference checks & Decision

We conduct reference checks to verify the information that the candidates have provided. We make a decision and offer the position to the candidate who we believe is the best fit.


Our Clients